Sunday, January 16, 2011


There is so many in my mind and in my heart that I wish he would just listen to
But he doesn't have the patience to
Sit down and comprehend
We in this together Now hold me. cherish me, and lead me by the hand
Take care of me, protect me, love me for as long as you can
put me first, before your boys, before your hood , understood?
Sacrifice for me, live for me like i live for you
Fuck what society says, is it me and you or me you and the world?
You claim that I am crazy and something is up in my head
but do you even care to understand why I feel the way I feel
Do you know my pain inside
and how hard I work to keep us together
you should be thanking me for how you feel..if its so great that you feel
and if its not why arent you crying out like I am
because I don't feel great and you dont feel great x 2= 2 not feeling great
But your pride, I see it, would cause you to loose someone you love
Push it aside I warn you because I am not here to judge you, I am not your enemy
I am not with you or beside you I AM YOU..and YOU ARE ME
Why must you treat me like a stranger at times
Push me to the side like I aint worth a dime
disregard my calls, but answer everyone elses
you think I dont see what is happening?
Accept my friendship, l am craving for it
I am hungry for your frienship, companonship, and understanding
Give it to me I am asking for it
Like your boys ask you to have their back no matter what
I am just like them
But there is a slight difference
Although they are your boys for life, thats all they will ever be
I can be your Girl, Your friend, your guidance, and inspiration
why would you ever push that away?


Lets face it. No matter how cool or "in" we think the single life might be, the truth of it all is that SINGLE=LONELINESS. Nobody wants to be alone. Everyone wants to feel loved, appreciated, comprehended, and supported. Thats when we seek for partners to walk through the journey we call "LIFE" together, side by side.

 "SINGLE LIFE"  What does it have to offer? Well, you don't have to worry about explaining yourself, coming home to someone awake at 6A.M. asking you, "Where the f"""k were you at", and you get to practically do what ever you please. Your detached from relationships, nagging girlfriends and drama. Okay, we can't lie, it sounds pretty good. It sounds something "less" we have to worry about let alone all the problems "LIFE" already brings us, why would it make sense to invite some more problems in?

Men if you think you really know what your women want from the relationship you are in for a ride. Thats when men make the mistake. If only you knew that actually listening to a woman would make things soooo easier. Face it, no matter how much you think you can live without a woman in your life, its merely impossible. And for the men that can give testimony and say they have survived living the single life for years ask them face to face if they are truly happy, and I gurantee there response will be NO.


Hopefully, after reading this, you will look at being in a relationship is actually a good thing, and nothing negative comes with it.

****What women REALLY want from a relationship*****

1. Do Women want 100% Commit their boyfriends (a.k.a lock them down?)

-NOOO!!  who wants a slave? who wants a puppet that does, say, and do what ever you instruct them to do. What women really want instead of commitment is RESPONSIBILITY. We want our boyfriends to be responsible enough to take care of the relationship that we have built and protect it from any incoming harm. For example, other women, bad influence, negativity, and miscommunication. We want our boyfriends to be responsible enough that when a choice or decisions needs to be made, they are made and if it was a wrong move take the responsibility for it. We don't want you to enslave yourselfs to use but make use know that your there and your not going anywhere and any action that speaks other wise should be out the window.

2. Do women want to NAG all the time?

- NOOO!! the majority of the times, a woman nags and complains to her boyfriend because there is an ongoing problem. Either you have failed to keep your word that you would try your best to not make it happen and affect her again, or you just dont careless. A woman is going to keep talking until she feels and sees she heard and understood. And when you act like you didn't understand (examplle: walk away, ignore her for days, act emotionless, run away from her until she shuts up) the complaining will not end it will PILE UP INSTEAD until the next time you speak. Women are bipolar when they argue. They are extremely mad and angry in the beginning, but as she starts talking and she feels shes being listened to and the person is trying to make an effort to make her feel better as soon ass possible, her mood will change instantly. It never fails, it works all the time. Men you just have to learn how to be patient and let the rollercoaster effect take place. Let her explode nd cry ...eventually she will be over it sooner than you think. DO NOT walk away from her, ignore her if its not necessary. If she is simply speaking to you, and not pysically touching you or harming you, there is no reason to walk away. Sit down and let the rollercoaster effect take place (example: she'll be mad and angry at first,, in this stage the rollercoaster is on the floor. But as soon as she opens up and blurs everything out that is making her feel like bad ....after a while she will feel much better and the rolelrcoaster than will be at the top). The key is patience, which many of you dont have. Try this technique next time in verbal argument. Sit there and listen to her, rub her back look at her in the face, kiss her forehead and tell her it will be alright. In no time the argument you guys were in will be a far gone memory.

3. DO women want to feel liberated at sometime in the relationship?

YESS!!! a woman wants to be able to go out with her friends and have the trust in her boyfriend that he will not flip out about it. She would like to act and enjoy the same way men do when they are with their pals without feeling the obligation of being afraid when she gets home to her boyfriend or speaks to him the next time. WOMEN want balance. She wants to be able to go out, dance, have a couple of drinks, meet people, converse, and socialize but then come home to her one and only and the end of the night. Men want this too. The trick is to do it, but with limitations. If your girlfriend is going to go out, let her go out, but let her know that her phone should be on the whole night, and communication throughout the night should be kept. The same rule should apply to the guy. If your in a room full of girls and you know you are not doing anything wrong but you are afraid of answering the phone because your girlfriend might hear the background and assume that you are up to no good therfore you are going to ignore the calls, it would be better for you to answer and say who your with and what your doing. Its counter-psycology. In this situation what will work is the exact oppisite of what your instincts might tell you to do. Down the road she will appreciate it more and you shutting off your phone anf going M.I.A.